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Hungary's Residential Solar Installations Set to Exceed 300,000

Hungary's Residential Solar Installations Set to Exceed 300,000


Hungary is projected to surpass 300,000 residential solar installations. According to the Hungarian Ministry of Energy, with the subsidy program launched earlier this year, over 25,000 households will install solar energy devices, raising the total installation number to 300,000. The program, named Napenergia Plusz, aims to support the installation of residential solar panels and storage systems, having started in January with an initial budget of 75.8 billion forints (approximately $204.8 million), which was increased by 30 billion forints in July. By September, over 20,000 households had signed up for the subsidy program, with each eligible for up to 5 million forints in support.

Latest data reveals that 7.85 billion forints have already been disbursed, covering over 3,000 residential development projects. With an average support request of 4.1 million forints, the ministry anticipates that more than 25,000 households will benefit. Currently, Hungary has 283,000 operational household-scale solar power plants, and the subsidy program is expected to increase this number further. Notably, last year, Hungary ranked third globally and second in Europe for the share of solar power in electricity generation. In 2023, Hungary set a record for new solar generation capacity, adding 1.6 gigawatts, bringing its total generation capacity to over 5.6 gigawatts

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